GEERCO Bricks can be used in loadbearing or nonloadbearing roles, in internal situation, and as single skin walls or leaves to a cavity wall. They provide a colourful, decorative finish, facilitating landscaping or interior decor.
There is therefore no restriction on the type of building in which Geerco Products can be used. Mosques, low rise and high rise domestic dwellings, industrial and commercial projects, warehouses, offices, municipal buildings, schools, sports centres and other Public Buildings.
The use of Geerco Bricks can also be extended to the construction of footings, parapet and boundary walls, and other ancillary features such as chimneys, manholes, etc.
Sandlime Bricks have been used on the continent, in the Middle East, the Antarctics, and a light house site on an exposed Cornish headland, all an indication of their versality and durability.
Geerco's Blocks, Bricks, Cable Tiles and Lime have been subjected to extensive tests by McClelland - Suhaimi Ltd at Dammam and Jubail, (Substantiating documents are available from our sales office).
Geerco's Blocks, Bricks, Cable Tiles, and Lime have been approved by ARAMCO, ROYAL COMMISSION, SCECO, NATIONAL GUARD and other discerning corporations. Manufacturing complies with BS-187, ASTM & DIN specifications.
• Ministry of General Works • Ministry of Education • M.O.D.A. • Presidency of Girls Education • SABIC Company